So, perhaps a series of events have forced you to operate from primitive brain, and this has caused you to 'protect' yourself by doubting yourself and your abilities and by not taking risks. Some examples of these events might a strong figure in your life who was critical of you, losing your job, or maybe the children have left home and you no longer feel useful.
It might be that you are surrounded by people who love and support you, but you simply cannot accept their words of praise. It may be that your current situation is more isolated, and no-one is around to support you and encourage your self-belief.
If you would just like to work on your confidence, there's some great advice on the NHS website:
If you feel that you'd like support or help in raising your confidence, here's how hypnotherapy can help. We'd work together on two things. First, we'd start refocusing your brain on the positives in your life. Second, we'd work to optimise your sleep. During sleep, our brains 'process' our negative thoughts and beliefs, strip the emotion from events, and file them away as memories that no longer hurt us,
Working on these 2 things allows our intellectual brain to start to regain control. When we operate from our intellectual brain, we make logical and sensible decisions and generally feel happy. And when we are operating from intellectual brain, all sorts of things become possible
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