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Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are. Marilyn Monroe

So, in January I'm going to focus on confidence.

It's very common to lack confidence, and we tend to react in one of two ways. We may let it inhibit us, withdrawing in social or work situations or failing to strive for and achieve our goals. Others may learn to put on a front, and while they appear more bold and successful as a result, they live with self doubt and the fear that they may lose all that they have if/when people people 'see them for what they really are'.

A quick recap on how our brains work. When we operate from our intellectual brain, we make logical and sensible decisions and generally feel happy. Negative thinking (worry, stress, bad or sad news) makes us operate from our primitive brain, and this causes us to adopt more negative and inappropriate patterns of behaviour. It does this because it's job is not to make us happy (that's intellectual brain) but to keep us alive. One of the of these inappropriate patters of behaviour can be to doubt ourselves, and to keep in the shadows and not take risks.

More about how we can change this to follow......

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